Good Morning!
Welcome to our brand new community app. This platform is new to me, so I asked in advance that you give me some Grace as we learn how to communicate here and build community. :)
Today is the start of a brand new month - the last of 2022 and I could not be more excited. As we close out this year strong, I encourage you to focus on what you want to accomplish in the next 30 days and trust that the grace, mercy, and abundance made available to you through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, makes it all.
Read, pray over, and meditate on the following Bible verses to get yourself in the frame of mind necessary to made this December the best you've yet to experience in the key areas of your life. 💚💚💚
Romans 5:15-21
John 10:10
Anyone interested in mastering the game of NO?
A.M. Noel